Strona Główna


Oferta MAE




Zamówienia publiczne



One of the basic problems arising in connection with economic development and its impact on environment - influencing environmental energy condition (with the state of energy resources, distribution and energy efficiency). Major factors determining energy issues, contributing to one of the most challenging problems of XXI century, are:
  • limited energy resources,
  • unstable market for suppliers of raw materials,
  • increasingly higher costs of raw material acquisition,
  • a huge increase in energy demand,
  • climate change triggered by harmful effects of energy sector on the environment,
  • increasing importance of energetics in international politics,
  • homogeneous culture of energy supply market, big importance of coal and oil.
The profile of energy consumption and application of management systems allow a real impact on energy flow and optimization of energy consumption. World community, especially European Union, undertake plenty of projects to improve energy mix. Energy supplies combined with renewable energy sources and increased energy efficiency at every stage of energy chain play an unquestionably significant role in improving energy forecasts.

Cluster objectives

Mazovia Energy Agency has established the Mazovia Energy Cluster to improve energy efficiency in the Region, creating a platform of cooperation for public institutions, local governments, business and R&D.

The main objectives of the cluster are:
  • strengthening competitiveness of the region,
  • increasing competitiveness of enterprises,
  • improving information flow between science and business,
  • promotion of energy-wise behavior,
  • reduction of harmful impact on the environment,
  • providing services to increase energy efficiency,
  • strengthening co-operation between local/regional government, universities and research centers and business sector,
  • popularization of pro-ecological behavior,
  • promotion of Mazovia Region as a place of effective investment,
  • improving energy safety of Mazovia Region,
  • promoting RES investments,
  • increasing the number of students at technical studies (with energy faculties).

Types of activities

There are two important factors that contribute to the success of the cluster - first, a wide variety of activities taken by each cluster member and second, support of external institutions and organizations.

Basic activities of the cluster are as follows:

  • preparation and organization of marketing activities promoting energy efficiency and RES,
  • promotion of energy efficiency know how to the end-users and organization of trainings, conferences and seminars,
  • implementation of financial support for activities taken in the field of energy efficiency and RES,
  • elaboration of standards for energy monitoring systems (smart metering),
  • monitoring of energy use in public institutions,
  • setting up information and consultation centers advising on energy efficiency and RES.

Major outputs

  1. Mazovia Centre for Energy Management,
  2. marketing projects promoting energy efficiency and RES,
  3. marketing strategy presenting activity of cluster members,
  4. conferences, workshops and seminars,
  5. publications (brochures and handbooks),
  6. info-centre (energy efficiency and RES),
  7. cluster website.


The most comprehensive energy efficiency and RES offer on the market is possible when integrating variety of competences and energy sector stakeholders. At present members of Mazovia Energy Cluster stem from:

  • local municipal units,
  • marketing agencies,
  • research and development centers,
  • academic centers,
  • small-and-medium size enterprises (manufactures and service providers in the field of energy efficiency and RES),
  • consultancy agencies,
  • financial institutions,
  • training institutions,
  • certifying bodies,
  • energy sector institutions,
  • governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Organizational form of the cluster

In order to ensure effective use of challenges and opportunities on the energy market one of the following organizational forms is envisaged: a company, an association or a consortium.

Sources of founding

It is indispensable to secure stable financing at each stage of the cluster development, consequently it might be in a form of:

  • financial contribution of cluster members,
  • EU and national grants,
  • income from services provided by the cluster,
  • donations.

Should you be interested in cooperation, don’t hesitate to contact us:
tel. + 48 22 290 29 42, e-mail:

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Mazowiecka Agencja Energetyczna

ul. Nowogrodzka 31 lok. 330, 00-511 Warszawa Tel./fax: +48 22 290 29 42 e-mail:

NIP: 1132760903 REGON: 141828652 KRS: 0000328664
Kapitał zakładowy 3.040.000 zł, Sąd Rejonowy dla Warszawy XIII Wydział Gospodarczy